IGLAD is an Initiative for the Global Harmonization of (in-depth) Accident Data that was initiated by Daimler AG, ACEA and different research institutes and announced as a working group at the FIA Mobility Group in October 2010. The goal of the group was to define a common in-depth accident data standard and provide a yearly data set that is created from international partners that are part of the consortium. The non-profit project is completely self-funded and offers its data to interested parties to be used for research purposes charging a moderate membership fee. In January 2023 IGLAD has entered its fifth phase and continues to deliver comparable world-wide in-depth accident data for another 3 years.
The data includes information that is common to most in-depth accident studies, like:
accident time, description, type, influencing factors, …
participant type, vehicle data, reconstruction data, …
occupant age, weight, gender, injury severity, …
safety system types, activation, …
The codebook of the common in-depth accident data scheme is freely available on this website. Besides the data tables, the database also includes a scaled sketch for each accident in a common vector format.
The consortium currently consists of 20 members complemented by the chair and the administrator from SAFER Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers, Sweden. The project celebrated its 10th yearly data release in June 2023. The complete merged dataset includes 10,555 cases provided by 14 data providers located in 12 different countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Italy, USA, Spain, and Sweden. New countries, data providers, and members are expected to join the project in the near future. The goal is to cover as many regions/ countries of the world as possible.
In 2022, IGLAD-PCM was released for the first time providing 200 pre-crash simulations from real accidents coming from seven countries on three continents. A free sample of three accidents including PCM data is available for everyone who is interested in IGLAD. Please contact Ines Heinig .